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Set Default VENV

Follow these steps to automatically activate a virtual environment named "fivepseq-env" when logging in:

  1. Navigate to Your Home Directory: Open a terminal and navigate to your home directory. You can do this by running the following command:
cd ~
  1. Open Your Bash Profile: Use a text editor to open your .bash_profile. This file is typically located in your home directory. You can open it with vim editor by running:
vim .bash_profile

Note: If .bash_profile doesn't exist, don't worry. You can create a new one. Simply run vim .bash_profile and start editing the file. Once you've added the necessary content, save the file and proceed to the next steps.

  1. Add the Activation Line: In the .bash_profile file, add the following line at the end:
source /mnt/home/lilit/fivepseq-env/bin/activate
  1. Save and Exit: After adding the line, save the changes and exit the text editor. In vim editor, you can do this by pressing Esc to exit editing mode, then typing :wq to save and quit.
  1. Reload Bash Profile: To apply the changes, reload your .bash_profile. You can do this by running:
source .bash_profile
  1. Verify Activation: You can verify that the virtual environment is activated by opening a new terminal session. Upon logging in, the virtual environment specified in the .bash_profile should be activated automatically.

That's it! Now, whenever you log in, the specified virtual environment will be automatically activated, allowing you to work within its isolated environment.

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Ararat Hovhannisyan

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